About Endlessness: A nostalgic portrayal of human behaviours by Roy Andersson

Swedish director and writer, Roy Andersson, is known for his distinctive style of filming. He doesn't make those typical movies that have a protagonist and an interlinked story, h is movies are like living paintings that tell us what it feels like to be a human being. The previous trilogy about being a human being is a must-see. Ab out Endlessness (2020) Genres: Drama, Fantasy It is a compilation of various moments of various people's lives, narrated by a woman. Few moments are joyful, few are painful, few are lifeless, and few are very lively. Here are some moments from the movie. An aged couple, sitting in the park, staring at the view of the city. A man, heading home with groceries in his hands, planning to surprise his wife with a nice dinner. A priest who has lost his faith in God. A couple, visiting the grave of their son who died in the war. A woman, waiting for her husband at the railway station. A man, crying on the bus. A woman who loves champagne so much. A ...