I Care a Lot: A Netflix Thriller Starring Rosamund Pike

Have you ever watched a film where the protagonist is not morally a good character or her ethics are unjust and unsatisfactory? So you hate the character, but her acting is praiseworthy, 'I Care A Lot' is one such film. That cunning role is played by Rosamund Pike, it would be unfair when we're talking about her and don't mention her performance in Gone Girl (2014). Also, her role in this film gives the same kind of wicked energy.

I Care a Lot (2021)
Genres: Crime, Thriller
Cast: Rosamund Pike, Peter Dinklage, Eiza González

I Care a Lot Movie Aesthetic Poster
(The sunglasses Rosamund Pike wore were 'Garrett Leight Clune suns'.)

Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) is a skilful legal guardian but in the wrong ways, as you know, she doesn't care about aged people, she's after their money and property. She has a network where the doctor supplies her the patients who are rich, lonely, and aged; then she makes fake certificates of emergency need for a guardian. Marla's girlfriend, Fran (Eiza González), collects the data of victims, they also have a care home arranged that follows Marla's rules. 

Marla & Fran were living an American dream until they met this new target, Jennifer Peterson (Dianne Wiest). They thought that she was another easy target to rob, but they were mistaken. Marla is one of those who don't give up easily. Here began the adventures of scammers vs mafias.

The cast is superior, Rosamund Pike is at her best, Marla's character suits her as if she is made for this type of role. Eiza González looks breathtaking in her curly-haired avatar. I would have loved it if Peter Dinklage's character was a little more stronger and serious. Two Oscar awards winner, Dianne Wiest, is also exceptional. Chris Messina (The Giant Mechanical Man 2012) is an underrated gem.

The first half is quite enjoyable, but it loses its charm as it reaches the climax, especially the way the enmity between Marla and Mafia ends. You may find the story unrealistic and more feminine. This film isn't one of those films that give you a positive message, it's about robbing innocent old people, which may not be everyone's cup of tea. Nevertheless, it is watchable due to their impressive acting.


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