Twin Peaks Aesthetics And Quotes

Twin Peaks
Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery

             Twin Peaks is a mystery TV series focused on the investigation of Laura Palmer's murder. Twin Peaks is a small northern town where everything seems normal, but it doesn't, and the secrets start to be revealed after the death of young teen Laura Palmer.

Twin Peaks Aesthetic Poster

    I will discuss some of my favourite characters of Twin Peaks here, which I find interesting. There are so many characters in this series. I will try to keep this post spoiler free.

(Note: I've finished the first season and the first 4 episodes of the second season. I will make the second part of this post after finishing all 30 episodes.)

Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan)
       Dale Cooper is an FBI special agent. He comes to Twin Peaks for the investigation of Laura Palmer's case. He's charming, intelligent and an ideologist. He's obsessed with the spiritual country Tibet and the Dalai Lama. He believes that dreams have a special connection with reality. You will see that Cooper has lucid dreams or visions at night. In his dreams sometimes a midget and sometimes a tall ceiling-touching-man gives him hints about the case.
   I'm quoting Cooper's conversation with Albert here when he's describing the way of living in Twin Peaks. 
Because life has meaning here.
Every life.
That's a way of living 
I thought had vanished from the earth.

Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn)
       Audrey and Laura were classmates, but they weren't much close. Audrey's character is bold and beautiful. She seems like a loner. Audrey's relationship with her rich father is messed up. She's crushing on Dale Cooper, but Cooper finds it against his ethics. She still goes far to investigate things by herself.

Audrey Horne Aesthetic Quotes
(You're everything that a man wants in his life.)

James (James Marshall) & Donna (Lara Flynn Boyle)
        First of all, I want to say that almost everyone's having a love affair in Twin Peaks. They turned Twin Peaks into Love Affair Leaks. James, Donna and Laura were best friends. The story of James and Donna isn't a love triangle, maybe a love pentagonal or hexagonal. First, Laura and Bobby were together, but Laura was having an affair with James. Bobby's having an affair with Shelly. After the death of Laura, next day James and Donna became lovers. Then, other days when James meets Laura's cousin Maddy, who literally looks like a twin of Laura. He gets attracted to Maddy. Norma wants a divorce and so does Big Ed. Josie and Sheriff Harry, also Catherine and Ban, all are having a love affair!

        Let's get back to our characters. I find James so naive and innocent because even when he was having an affair with Laura, he didn't have any clue about what Laura actually was. He thought Laura was just another naive person like him, but she never was. The same scenario with Donna, she also failed to figure out Laura's life. 

Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee)
        If you have watched the first episode's first five minutes, then you already know that they find her dead wrapped in plastic. Laura was a school queen. Everyone thought she was an innocent girl, but she had some bad habits and had connections with bad people. As that midget said, she's filled with secrets. Yet, everyone felt that something was haunting Laura, but they couldn't save her. You will find out this part when Laura's psychiatrist Dr. Jacoby tells about his sessions with Laura. 

Shelly Johnson (Mädchen Amick)
          If you have seen the trailer (or any random edits of Twin Peaks), then you have noticed Shelly. She's the eye candy of the Twin Peaks series. Even though her role isn't that big. She works at the Double R Diner. Her husband Leo Johnson is not good for her, and he's running some dirty business behind the curtain. 

Shelly Johnson Aesthetic Quotes

        Josie (Joan Chen) is another beautiful character of Twin Peaks. She's a widow and running a sawmill with Catherine. Rosie and Catherine both are conspiring against each other's death. Harry is Twin Peaks' sheriff, and he is secretly dating Josie. 

         Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook) is a high school stud and Laura's boyfriend. So far I think (from the first 12 episodes I have watched) he knew Laura's some secrets. He confesses them to Dr Jacoby. 

Bobby Briggs Aesthetic Quote

          Albert is an FBI forensic agent. He's intelligent and arrogant. He's good at his work. From time to time, you will enjoy his talking whenever he appears. 

        I think Twin Peaks is a good vintage TV series to watch if you like mysteries. To be honest, the first season is really good, but in the second season, I'm losing my interest gradually.

So what do you think about Twin Peaks?


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